I am proud of my tribe Bodo

The Bodos are the ethnic and linguistic group of the Brahmaputra Valley in the North — East part of India. Bodos are recognized as a plain tribe in the Sixth Schedule of Indian Constitution. Bodo tribe is known to be earliest settlers in Assam. They are the first to cultivate rice and rear silkworms. The word “BODO” has been derived from the word “BOD” which means Tibet. Bodos are peace loving People. Bodos have many features of Cultural idendity which are making proud to Bodos like the culture, occupation, Dress, the dance etc. Bodo Cultural dance is known by Bagurumba. 

Culture: Culture of the whole society of Bodos include dance, Folk songs etc. One can find the surnames of Bodos as Boro, Wary, Bodosa, Iswary, Goyary, Dwimary, Narzary, Basumatary, Mushahary etc. Bodos have quite exquisite dresses which exhibits the beauty and glamour of women. Dokona is the dress worn by Bodo Women which they themselves knit with their own hands. Today, Bodo tribal Community has changed significantly and has accepted Bathou as main Religion. 

Occupation: Along whole Indian Communities, even bodo community has been changing and taking up several occupations. In early days, Bodos practiced farming and cultivation. Rice farming, Silk-Worm rearing, Tea Plantation, Pig and poultry farming are the original occupations which have been practiced by Bodos from the time immemorial. Weaving is also the popular occupation among Bodos. In very early age, Girls of Bodo community learn the art of weaving. 

Bodo Dokona: Dokona is the traditional dress of Bodo Women. In general, the length of Doknais 3 miters. Sometimes, it depends upon the figure of a person. Varieties of Agor (design) and different types of colour are being weaved. Nowadays, Bodo Women wear differently coloured blouses with dokona to cover her upper bossom. 

Bodo Bagurum dance: Bagurumba is a folk dance of Bodo tribe in Assam and Northeast India. It is a traditional dance with colourful Dokna, fasra and Aronai. Bagurumba dance is accepted as main traditional dance of Bodos. The dance can be performed at any occasion without any restriction so as to show one's own Culture. If we talk of the dance it has already become famous all over the world. 

Having so much of different features which define its own Culture makes me feel proud being a bodo. | beleive that my culture and Community will always progress with peace and pr sperity and will always look for its whole round development for its People. 

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